Unveiling the Secrets of Real Estate Investments with Greg Romundt

by | Jun 15, 2023 | Videos

In this episode, we sit down with Greg Romundt, the visionary CEO and President of Centurion Asset Management. Get ready to explore the world of real estate investments as Greg takes us on a journey through Centurion’s remarkable success. Centurion Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is the focus of this episode, boasting an impressive portfolio of over 20,000 multi-family apartment units, medical offices, and student housing beds across 46 cities in Canada and the United States. Discover how investors can seize the opportunity to participate in this diversified portfolio and benefit from mortgage and equity investments in property developments. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Centurion Asset Management’s mission and vision, aligning capital protection, regular cash flow, low volatility, and tax efficiencies for investors. Greg Romundt shares valuable insights on the strategies that have propelled Centurion to the forefront of the real estate investment industry. Stay ahead of the competition and gain exclusive insights. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and find new avenues for financial growth!

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Dave Cooper, CFP®, CIM®
Senior Investment Advisor Portfolio Manager
[email protected]

Tyler Cockbain, BA, CFP®, CIM®
Senior Investment Advisor Portfolio Manager
[email protected]


Justin Nekechuk, B. Ed
Associate Investment Advisor
[email protected]

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